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Academic Writing

Writing for Postgraduates


Literature Reviews

"A literature review is a written document that presents a logically argued case founded on a comprehensive understanding of the current state of knowledge about a topic of study. This case establishes a convincing thesis to answer the study's question." 


Academic Writing at Postgraduate Level

The Library holds many print books on Academic Writing, Thesis/Dissertation writing, doing a Literature Review or conducting a Systematic Review, some of which are detailed below. There are also many other print and eBooks available via Library Search

Publishing in Academic Journals

Why Publish?

  • To exchange ideas
  • To build reputation/career
  • To disseminate work on a global scale
  • Have you got something new to say?
  • A solution to a current or difficult problem?
  • A new development on a ‘hot’ topic in your field

Publishing - a necessary step in the research process

What you can publish.

  • Full articles: offering original insights
  • Letters: communicating advances quickly
  • Reviews: offer a perspective, summarising recent developments on a significant topic
  • Conference papers: something to consider if your research project is “in progress”


Additional Help

Need Some Help!

Arrange for a personal consultation (If you are a postgraduate researcher or an academic staff member) with the Research support Librarian.

You could also organise group training sessions for yourself and your colleagues.

Register for Library Skills Modules which are part of the Research Skills Development Programme

We also have guides for Research Support and Writing your Thesis


or Ext: 6151 to arrange an appointment.

Open Access