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Measuring Research Impact

Altmetrics (Alternative Article Level Publication Metrics)

Alternative Article Metrics

Alternative or complementary metrics (often called altmetrics) are another way to assess the attention received by research outputs.

Altmetrics tools do use citations as a measure of scholarly interest in a research paper, but their main focus is on online activity to reveal how research is being shared and discussed both within the academic community and beyond. Altmetrics can also be used to track attention received by other forms of research output such as software, data sets, conference slides, performance and more.

How do Alternative Metrics Work?

Alternative metrics tools track mentions, likes and shares on a variety of platforms including Mendeley, bookmarking sites, academic networking sites, social media, news sites and policy documents. Altmetrics generally track attention to outputs using a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) or links (URL) to the paper online. Whilst citations can take years to build up, alternative metrics can give a 'live' picture of how research is being shared and discussed. Although alternative metrics are relatively new, they are increasingly being incorporated into publisher's platforms and academic databases.

You'll see Alt-Metrics used in Library Search & Scopus represented as a coloured doughnut  which represents the attention score of that particular article. Just click on the doughnut for the full details for example

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PlumX Metrics in Scopus

Scopus includes altmetric data relating to individual publications using PlumX metrics. These are displayed below the abstract under the Metrics link when viewing a full record in Scopus.
Altmetrics (alternative article metrics) are measures of the impact of published research beyond traditional citations, which can be used to supplement the information gained from traditional bibliometrics. In Scopus they can show scholarly interest (eg Mendeley bookmarking), media interest (eg news stories), or public engagement (eg social media activity).


Altmetrics integrated into Library Search

Altmetric badges that highlight the broader impacts and popularity of articles included in Library Search result sets. Users can click a badge to explore the coverage and discussions relating to an individual search result (such as an article). This information, tracked by Altmetric, is drawn from sources that include mainstream media, Wikipedia, blogs, social networks, reference managers, post-publication peer-review forums, and other online communities.

What lies behind Altmetric Scores: Guidelines on How to Use Qualitative Approaches in Altmetrics (Liber)

What is the Altmetric Attention Score?

Altmetric Options

Free Altmetric Tools

Beginners Guide to Altmetrics

What are Altmetrics?

Improving Grant Applications using Altmetrics

Publication Strategy and Altmetrics