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3D Printing

The MU Library Makerspace

Data Content for Maynooth University Library LibGuide on 3D Printing

MU Library Makerspace

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What is it?

The MU Library Makerspace is an area where students and staff can explore the art of making. You can create, collaborate, learn, experiment, innovate and have fun.

It is available for specific departments and on a case by case basis.

To see if your department has access to the Makerspace contact us, further details are below. 

Makerspace Guidelines

  • The Makerspace must be booked prior to use.  

  • The room should only be used for Makerspace related discussions or activity.  

  • The Makerspace is only accessible to students who require access for their coursework or for a specified purpose and have been notified to the library by their course lecturer/director.  

  • The Makerspace should not be used as a general study space. 

  • Bookings can be made for the specified days and times only.  

  • Only one booking can be made at a time.  

  • Any user in the Makerspace without a reservation must leave when requested by a group who has a reservation.  

  • Access should not be given by students to other students who are not authorised to be in the room. 

  • Food and drinks are not permitted in the Makerspace. 

  • Although the Makerspace is designed to be a space for collaborative work, it is not soundproof, please be mindful of the noise level so as not disturb other library users. 

  • Please ensure that all personal belongings are removed, and all equipment is left in order when leaving.  

  • Do not attach anything to the walls or windows. 

  • 3D printing is carried out by library staff only. Students should submit all 3D printing requests through the online webform, HERE

  • It should be noted that library staff may need to access the room throughout the day 

  • Use of this room is subject to the library’s code of conduct, HERE and available on the library’s homepage. 

  • The library reserves the right to amend or alter these terms without notice or prejudice.

Where is It?

We are currently moving location. Please check back soon to see more details.

Check out our previous space. New Location Coming Soon!

Sources and Suggestions

Whether you have a background in 3D design or you don't know where to start, everyone can request a 3D print.

You can find millions of premade stl. files available on Thingiverse

Or if you fancy trying to design your own 3D print Tinkercad is a very simple place to start.

What do we have?

3D Printing

We take orders from all staff and students of Maynooth University and St Patrick's Pontifical University Maynooth. We print in PLA, in a variety of colours. We have four 3D printers in use: Ultimaker 2+, Ultimaker 2 Extended, Ultimaker Go and an Ultimaker 3+ Extended. For more information on 3D printing and how to submit your order go to: 3D Printing.

PCs and Workstations

We have four PCs with work stations. There is also a large group study table, large screen TV and projector.


There is equipment available for loan on a case by case basis including VIVE VR, Raspberry Pis, Arduinos, Robotics, and more. We also have access to a laser cutter on campus. 

Printers at play

Who to Contact?

Heidi Campbell

Digital Engagement Curator

Find us on social media @MULibraryMaker - X, TikTok, BlueSky, Instagram
