If you have questions about reference formats, please contact us with your query using the Query form on the guide, or email us at library.infoservices@mu.ie. You should also consult your lecturer and refer to your departmental handbook APA 6th Style Guide.
Book | Journal Article | Newspaper | Conference Paper | Thesis/Dissertation |
Official Report | Website | Online Image | Online Video | Social Media Post |
Film/Documentary | Podcast |
Surname(s), Initial(s). (Year). Title of work. Location: Publisher.
Surname, Initial(s). (Year). Title of the contribution. Title of the conference/meeting (page numbers). Location: Publisher.
Surname, Initial(s). (Date of publication Year, Month, Day; n.d. if not available). Title of article. Title of website. Retrieved from URL
Author Screen Name. (Year, Month Day). Full post or truncated version if too long. [Name of Social Media Platform]. Retrieved from URL
Surname, Initial(s)., & Surname, Initial(s). (Year). Title of article. Title of Journal, Volume number(Issue number), Pages.
Note: If retrieving a journal from an online, include the URL or a DOI after the page numbers.
Surname, Initial(s). (Year). Title of the work. (Type of work). Institution, Location.
Example: Meehan, D. (2007). An exploration of the relationship between poet and the community based on the work of three contemporary Irish poets. (Unpublished master’s thesis). DCU, Dublin.
Surname, Initial(s). (Year). Title of the image [image] (Year, Month Day). Retrieved Month Day, Year, from URL
Producer Surname, initial(s). (Producer), & Director Surname, initial(s). (Director). (Year). Title of film. Country of origin: Studio.
Surname, Initial(s). (Year, Month Day). Article title. Newspaper title. page number(s).
Surname, Initial(s). or name of Corporate author (Year). Title of report (Report No.). Place of Publication: Publisher.
Surname, Initial(s) [or Screen name] (Year, Month Day of publication). Title of video [Video file]. Retrieved from URL
Surname, Initial(s). (Year, Month Day of recording). Title of the contribution [Audio podcast]. Part of Title of the series / Conference. Retrieved from URL