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Economics, Finance & Accounting

Journals & Databases

Journals & Databases

What are they?

Journal: An academic journal is a specialist publication where academics and researchers can publish and communicate their work. A journal publishes articles, research papers and reviews of a high quality that have been reviewed by experts in the subject.

Databases: Library databases contain information about published academic research. Like journals, they contain peer reviewed articles but also reports, datasets, facts and figures, theses and dissertations and all manner of academic information related to your subject.

Using journals and databases should form part of your Search Strategy. For more information, see our Successful Searching Guide.

It is important for students and researchers to have access to the latest peer review research. Follow our tips on utilising databases and journals so you can make use of them in your work.

How to reference a Journal Article

(in the Harvard style)

In-Text Reference: used when you are quoting or paraphrasing a source in the body of your essay. It follows an author-date format. The above reference would appear as (Markey, 2008) in-text.

For more information on how to reference online resources see our Referencing Guide

Finding a Database

What is Peer Review?

(CC flickr by AJCann; user:AJC1)

“The evaluation of scientific, academic, or professional work by others working in the same field” – Oxford English Dictionary

You are expected to use Peer Review research in your work.

Explore Peer Review in more detail in our Successful Searching Guide.

Search for Journals & Journal Articles in LibrarySearch below

Search for journal articles held by typing keywords into the box below.

When you find the journal article you need, click on the Title or Full Text Online to read it. If you have difficulty accessing journal articles or databases, let us know through our query form.