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Books & eBooks

Location of our Physics Books

Location of other Library items 

How to reference Books and eBooks

(In the Harvard Style)

In-Text Reference: an in-text reference or citation is used when you are quoting or paraphrasing a source in the body of your essay. It follows an author date format. The above reference would appear as (Edwards, 2006) in an in-text reference.

For more information on laying out references, see our referencing guide

Books & eBooks

Maynooth University Library provides access to a wide range of books, ebooks and other content related to the study of Physics.

Books: The majority of books related to Physics are on the First floor and are free for you to borrow. When searching for a book on LibrarySearch, take note of the book’s Location, Call Number and Loan Status. These details will tell you where to find the book.

Staff at the Library Information Desk can explain to you how to find books in the Library if you're unsure.

eBooks: The Library has access to thousands of electronic books. You can search for them through typing keywords into the LibrarySearch box below or on the main Library homepage. Books can be read online or downloaded. You will need your MU login credentials to read these electronic resources.

Other content: dictionaries, encyclopaedias, newspapers, theses, dissertations and also available from the library. 

Using this content should form part of your Search Strategy. For further information, see our Successful Searching Guide.

Search for Books & eBooks in LibrarySearch below

Search specifically for books & ebooks held by the Library by typing keywords into the box below.

When you find the book you need, take note of the book's

1. Loan Status  2. Call Number (Dewey Number) 3. Location

For Example:

If it is an ebook, click on Full Text Online to start reading it.

eBooks Explained

eBooks are electronic books giving full text access to academic content for you to read on your browser or device.

They are available 24/7 via the library website and are accessible on and off-campus.

Click on the eBooks image below to find out more.

Inter Library Loans

The Inter-Library Loan (ILL) Service provides access to material required for research that is not held in Maynooth University Library. We source this material from other libraries worldwide. If you have searched LibrarySearch and we do not have a book, journal article or other material you require, we can apply to another library for the item. 

If you have any questions relating to the Inter-Library Loan service, contact: Bernadette Gardiner Tel: +353 1 7083901.

For more information on ILLs, please click here.

Image of a pile of books stacked neatly on top of one another.