The Teaching and Research Development Team
Maynooth University Library
We're your link to finding the information you need
The Teaching & Research Development team is dedicated to supporting MU students with their studies, assignments, and research skills.
They provide a range of services and supports which include the delivery of in-person and online classes, developing learning resources & online guides, and offering students one-to-one and group consultations.
Students can contact the team by emailing or completing the Submit A Query Form from the Subject Guides.
The team can help you with various queries and questions, including the following:
Using the Library effectively
Finding information on a specific topic or author
Literature searching
Using academic databases
Citing & Referencing
Planning your assignments
Managing your information (saving & organising)
Preparing for exams or assessments
Using reference management tools (EndNote)
Make sure to send the team an email to find out how to get the most out of using the Library!
Dr. Áine Ní Bharáin
The team offer one-to-one or group consultations for students who are looking for help, guidance or support with their assignments. Students have an opportunity to share any challenges or concerns they are having and also find out more about supports and resources available from the Library.
To book an individual or group consultation with a Teaching & Learning Librarian, email
Saoirse de Paor