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Academic Journal Publishing

Improving your research visibility

Finding the right Journal for your Research & maximising its impact

Research Visibility

“Invisible research is, by definition, low-impact.”

(Lawrence, 2011)

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Writing Journal Articles

Make your articles easy to find and access in Google Scholar and research databases by writing effective titles and abstracts.

Effective titles:
  • are short
  • use a phrase not a complete sentence
  • are straightforward and honest
  • use smart keywords that reflect how people are likely to search for your paper. Tools such as Google Trends may be helpful in identifying search trends around topics.
Effective abstracts:
  • are clear, accurate, and convey content
  • use synonyms to include multiple keywords where possible
  • consider readers from non-English speaking backgrounds.
Author keywords

Use as many relevant author-provided keywords as possible, considering the general and specialised vocabulary your audience is likely to use. Make sure you include variations of language, and phrasing, and consider commonly used acronyms (within editorial guidelines).


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Promote/Diseminate your Research

Encourage Citation

  • Don’t be obscure
  • Write informative/clear Titles/Abstracts/Book Descriptions
  • Collaborative works attract more citations due to networking across researchers
  • Self cite but keep it in line with other academics
  • Use Database alerting tools so you'll be notified when you are cited