The University supports the principles of Open Access (OA) and encourages its researchers to disseminate their research findings as widely as possible.
Open access (OA) refers to unrestricted online access to articles published in scholarly journals, and also increasingly to book chapters or monographs.
Maynooth University policy is that for all research and scholarly publications, which arise in whole or in part from research carried out at the University, and subject to the copyright and archiving policies of the publisher, the publication contents should be made available at the earliest possible date through the Maynooth University Research Archive Library (MURAL). The Maynooth University policy took effect from 1 May 2011.
To register and set up a user account to deposit material in the archive, please email the archive administrator at Please include your name, department, email and telephone extension. Copyright and archiving policies of the publisher will be checked before the material is made available.
Introduction to Open Access Video