Educopia Institute empowers collaborative communities
to create, share, and preserve knowledge.
IOAP promotes engagement with the Diamond Open Access publishing model (free to publish and free to read) as well as indexing on the Directory of Open Access Journals and the Directory of Open Access Books. The aim is to promote publishing activity that is free of pay walls and publication embargoes to further the dissemination of high quality scholarly output to all in society.
You can follow them on Twitter @ioap_community
Community-led Open Publication Infrastructures for Monographs is an international partnership of researchers, universities, librarians, open access book publishers and infrastructure providers. It is building community-owned, open systems and infrastructures to enable open access book publishing to flourish
Formed in 2015, the Radical Open Access Collective is a community of scholar-led, not-for-profit presses, journals and other open access projects. Now consisting of more than 70 members, we promote a progressive vision for open publishing in the humanities and social sciences.
There is an active national and global Library and scholarly community engaged in Open Publishing activity. In Ireland, the Library Association of Ireland’s Library Publishing Group and Irish Open Access Publishers promote this activity. Internationally, the IFLA Library Publishing Special Interest Group and Library Publishing Coalition are two of several agencies active in this space.
The Educopia Institute and the Library Publishing Coalition (LPC), in partnership with the Public Knowledge Project (PKP), NASIG, and BlueSky to BluePrint, offer the “Library Publishing Curriculum,” a suite of synchronous and asynchronous professional development offerings for librarians that are open and free under a CC-BY license for anyone to offer or adapt.
The Library Publishing Group of the Library Association of Ireland (LAI) supports all types of library publishing initiatives across the sector.
A link to a recording of the recent LAI Library Publishing Group's webinar, Library Publishing Workflows with Brandon Locke from educopia can be found here.
The IFLA Library Publishing Special Interest Group was officially organized at the IFLA WLIC in Kuala Lumpur (2018), to advance the rapidly emerging, relatively new field of Library Publishing, which is part of a broader range of scholarly communication activities driven and managed by all types of libraries: national, state, academic, public and private.
Library Publishing Curriculum is the steward of the Library Publishing Curriculum, a suite of synchronous and asynchronous professional development offerings for librarians that are open and free under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license for anyone to offer or adapt.
The Library Publishing Coalition is an independent, community-led membership association of academic and research libraries and library consortia engaged in scholarly publishing.
The recently launched Diamas Project aims to deliver a Capacity Center for Open Access Diamond publishers to solve their main challenges.
More information can be found here.
The Fully OA blog was born out of the OASPA Interest Group of Fully OA journal organizations. The purpose of the group is to provide a platform for exchange of ideas and, where appropriate, collaboration amongst publishers that only publish Open Access. The aim of the group is to provide unity, not by creating a single voice, but by bringing together a diversity of different voices and perspectives that share one commitment: full Open Access.
You can read more on their blog here
You can follow them on Twitter @fullyoa