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Research Data Management


What is Research Data Management


QAMyData Project (UK Data Service)

Social science research benefits from accountability and transparency, which can usefully be underpinned by high quality and trustworthy data.

Rigorous data curation practices are still sometimes viewed as a dark art, and easy-to-use tools to correct and clean numeric data are not widely used, despite awareness of the desire to make data FAIR. The tasks of checking, cleaning and documenting data by repository staff can be all too manual and time-consuming.

The UK Data Service developed a free easy-to-use open source tool known as QAMyData that provides a health check for numeric data. The tool uses automated methods to detect and report on some of the most common problems in survey or numeric data, such as missingness, duplication, outliers and direct identifiers. Requirements were scoped through a series of engagement exercises with the Service’s own data curation team, other data publishers, managers and quantitative researchers to create a comprehensive list of ‘tests’ that are typically used when quality assessing numeric data files.

Data health check
The tool offers a number of configurable tests that have been categorised into four types: file, metadata, data integrity, and identifiers, which can be run on popular file formats, including SPSS, Stata, SAS and CSV. A standard config file has default settings for each test, such as a threshold for pass or fail on various tests (e.g. detect value label that are truncated, email addresses identified as a string, or undefined missing values) which can be easily adapted to meet the user’s own desired thresholds. The configuration feature allows the creation of a unique Data Quality Profile. The software creates a ‘data health check’ that details errors and issues as both a summary and detailed report, providing a location of the failed test. New tests can easily be added. Data depositors and publishers can act on the results and resubmit the file until a clean bill of health is produced.