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Tutorials & Quizzes

Finding Items on your reading list

Exam Papers

Using eBooks

Sourcing and Evaluating information

Tutorials and Quizzes

Here at Maynooth University Library, we realise that students' time on campus is valuable.

Therefore, we have designed short online tutorials and quizzes to help you learn about our services and about how to use the Library effectively  whether you are on or off campus.

All of our online tutorials and quizzes are to the point and will give you the key information you need to get better marks in assignments.

If you need any further help, please get in touch with us.

How to find information on a topic using Library Search

LibrarySearch Tutorial

Take our tutorial on using Maynooth University LibrarySearch below

Finding Books

Take our short tutorial on how to find books in the Library below.

LIST Online

LIST Online tutorials are online, interactive tutorials which support student learning

Avoiding Plagiarism

Self-Service in the Library

What is research?

Framing your research question