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Systematic Reviews


Introduction to Systematic Reviews

Finding previous Systematic Reviews & Protocols

  1. Verify that your question hasn't already been answered
  2. Verify that there are no other review protocols registered with researchers already looking at the same question
  3. Identify related systematic reviews that will need to be accessed so that you can review the reference lists for relevant primary studies.
  • Cochrane Library Cochrane Reviews are internationally recognized as the highest standard in evidence-based health care and are published online in the     Cochrane Library

Formulate your question

Developing a protocol (plan) for a systematic review outlines the individual processes that need to be undertaken within the review. The first part of this process is formulating a question.

There are several available frameworks for developing including:

  • PICO = Population, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome
  • PECO = Population, Exposure, Comparison, Outcome
  • PIRT = Population, Index Test, Reference Test, Target Condition
  • SPIDER = Sample, Phenomenon of Interest, Design, Evaluation, Research Type

You would choose the appropriate tool for your type of question, in the examples given here – intervention, risk, diagnostic and experiential/qualitative questions.

Centre for Reviews and Dissemination (York)

Centre for Reviews and Dissemination (CRD), University of York.

CRD has produced a complete guide to writing up systematic reviews[1]. It covers core principles and methods including how to conduct a review, how to identify studies, the basics of searching databases and formulating search strategies and how to document and report searches. View and download the guide here:

Register your Protocol

Once you've formulated your question, you will need to start developing a protocol to guide the conduct of your review. This will cover inclusion/exclusion criteria, screening methods, risk of bias and data analysis.

It is good practice to prospectively register your protocol and in many cases a requirement for future publication of the review.

Where to register your protocol;


Methodological Expectations of Cochrane Intervention Reviews (MECIR)

Standards for the conduct and reporting of new Cochrane Intervention Reviews, reporting of protocols and the planning, conduct and reporting of updates

These MECIR Standards present a guide to the conduct and reporting of Cochrane Intervention Reviews.  Each set of Standards includes links to Cochrane Training resources, the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions (the Handbook) and other available resources.