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MURAL Institutional Repository Guide

Cite from MURAL

Theses and Unpublished Papers

Users may take the title and publication details from the landing page and add the MURAL ID.

Example: Goslin, Kevin (2019) Characterization of the Ubiquitin N-end Rule Pathway in Arabidopsis. PhD Thesis, National University of Ireland, Maynooth

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Licenses and Open Access

MURAL is an open access repository. It is recommended that authors specify an open licence when depositing or arranging for deposit of items to MURAL. Currently we do not have a default licence set in MURAL but would recommend as far as possible CC-BY. This licence allows reusers to distribute, remix, adapt and build upon the material in any medium or format, so long as attribution is given to the creator. The licence allows for commercial use.

However, other licence types may be appropriate. A suite of open licences is available via Creative Commons here. Every CC licence applies worldwide, is non-revocable, is not exclusive, and lasts for the duration of the work's copyright.

The Creative Commons site has a Licence Chooser to help you if you are unsure.


(Creative Commons Infographic from: Technology Enhanced Learning Blog)

(Creative Commons Infographic from: Technology Enhanced Learning Blog)

Where a licence is specified when depositing to MURAL

Where a licence is specified when depositing an item into MURAL, this information will be added into the Additional Information field in the item metadata. See the example below for a CC-BY-NC licence. The CC-BY-NC 4.0 licence specifies that the original authors and source are credited, so this field contains the licence statement and the citation provided by the publisher.

Open Access: This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes were made. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article's Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the article's Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a copy of this licence visit: Cite as: Oliveira, T.P., Moral, R.A. Global short-term forecasting of COVID-19 cases. Sci Rep 11, 7555 (2021).

A common CC licence used in Irish repositories is Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Ireland (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 IE)

For further details on this licence see Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Ireland

Articles which use the publisher’s pdf or preprints/postprints

Users are recommended to use the original publisher's recommended citation, which usually includes the DOI. Details, if available, will be in the Additional Information field in the item metadata in MURAL.

Example: This is the postprint version of the published article, which is available at Rob Kitchin (2019) The Timescape of Smart Cities, Annals of the American Associaiton of Geographers, 109:3, 775-790,

Click on the image below to enlarge.

Recommended Citation noted in metadata

If there is a recommended citation (found either on the pdf itself, or on the publisher;s website) this will be added to the Additional Information field in the item metadata in MURAL. Users should follow this guidance where available. This has not been a general policy for MURAL submissions, so only a minority of MURAL items would include a recommended citation. See example below:

Publisher's recommended citation:

Example: 2020 Rob Kitchin et al., published by Sciendo. This work is licenced under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 3.0 Licence Cite as Kitchin, Rob and Stehle, Samuel. "Can Smart City Data be used to Create New Official Statistics?" Journal of Official Statistics, vol 37, no. 1, 2021, pp.121-147.

Lick on the image below to enlarge.


For further information and guidance on Referencing, see the MU Library LibGuide on Referencing and Avoiding Plagiarism.