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Open Access: a guide for researchers

Open Access Feedback

A guide for Academics interested in Open Access and identifying how to make their research available via Open Access

We want to Know

Has Open Access had a positive impact on your publication or research?

The Open Access Team would be delighted to hear if you have experienced a positive impact on your publication or research as a direct result of it being open access and/or available in the MU Institutional Repository. 


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Your publication

  • Perhaps you have noticed that your paper has had a higher number of downloads?
  • Has your research been downloaded or shared within countries or institutions for the first time?
  • Maybe you have received offers of collaboration from previously unknown colleagues?

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Your research

  • Have you been able to access papers that would normally be behind a paywall and therefore unavailable to you?


Please share your thoughts with us in the open access feedback box at the bottom of this page.

Open Access Feedback