Green Open Access
Gold Open Access
When you preregister your research, you're simply specifying your research plan in advance of your study and submitting it to a registry.
Green Open Access- (self-archiving) as soon as is practical after publication, the author deposits a pre-print (pre- peer review), or the actual published article, in an institutional repository to be freely used by anyone. Green Journal Publishers are those which allow self-archiving. The author can also self-archive other material such as a peer reviewed conference paper or monographs.
Gold Open Access- The author or the authors institution pay a fee (Article Processing Charge) to the publisher when their paper is accepted for publication. The article is then available free to those accessing the Gold OA Journal. Some Gold OA Journals do not carry author fees for example "The Public Library of Science" (PLOS).
There are also Hybrid OA Journals which provide Gold OA to those authors who pay a fee to publish on the Journals website.
Toll Access- The author submits their paper to a publication and the publisher makes the article available for a fee through their website or via a academic database.
Bronze Open Access- Free to read on the publisher’s webpage but without a license permitting free re-use of content
The most common form of OA seems to be ‘bronze’. This may have implications for research; the lack of a license permitting the free re-use of an article’s contents can substantially restrict the impact of the data therein, for example by preventing other groups from conducting further analyses.
For more check out this recent article in Nature:
Registered Reports: Peer review before results are known to align scientific values and practices
Ideally its best to deposit the Post Print of your paper but this may be restricted by your publisher. You can check the Sherpa/Romeo guide which aggregates and analyses publisher open access policies .
Maynooth University does not currently fund Article Processing Charges (or Book Processing Charges). You may be able to fund these charges as part of your research grants.
APC's can vary hugely between different publications.
Not all Open Access Journals charge APC's and may be funded by other means.
Some deals have being agreed with publishers to waive APC's on certain titles, details here
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
SciRev (Scientific Review Process)
Responsible Journals (Responsible Editorial Policies)
Transpose (Database of Journal Policies)
FOAA (Fair Open Access Alliance) Breakdown of Publication services & Fees
Plan S Open Access Policy
Top Factor A new journal metric is being introduced that will rank academic journals based on their commitment to research transparency and reproducibility, rather than traditionally used citation counts.
Journal TOC's Scholarly Journal Tables of Contents (including Open Access Journals)