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For Staff

Copyright issues for academics

A Libguide dedicated to all things MU Staff, bringing together useful resources, tools and services available to MU Staff in one place.

What CAN I do for my class?

In September 2020 the Irish Copyright Licencing Agency drew up new educational license for use in HE.

Read about this updated licence here: There is a good overview here that you should check too. 

Can I use excerpts in class presentations?: 

Yes but no more than 20% of the work or two chapters of a book*, or a whole article in a journal (but not more than one article in any one issue) or a poem or short story of not more that 10 pages. Extracts can be blanked out, annotated or translated so long as the author's Moral Rights are respected and that the alteration is clear. Illustrations that are part of a published text can be presented without the related text. 

*However, if an eBook version is available on commercial terms to libraries, then a print copy cannot be scanned under the extended licence provisions, regardless of the cost.

Can I distribute print copies in class?:

Yes as above and limited to the number of students in the class, plus two copies for the lecturer. 

Can I make copies available via Moodle?:

The best way to share content with your class via Moodle is to share the link to the article. This ensures that true usage figures are recorded for the resource. This matters when it comes to calculating the cost-per-use of the resource and renewal/cancellation decisions are made.

Can I make copies available in course packs?:

Yes. Print and digital copies can be made as part of course packs and are limited to the number of students in a class, plus two copies for the lecturer.

All of the above refer to material owned or subscribed to by MU and licenced by the Irish Copyright Licencing Agency. 

Any part of a newspaper listed at can be copied, printed, faxed, scanned/digitised and shared without restriction as it is governed by a separate Newspaper Licensing Ireland licence. Content/clips can also be stored on Moodle.

Check out the Video content available to MU from AVON (70,000+ academic videos) - see content highlights here that you can link to for teaching & learning. Other video content is not covered under the ICLA license and is governed by Copyright Legislation. The most compliant way to use a clip in a class environment, or in distance learning, would be to request permission for that use directly from the copyright owner or publisher. 

General guidance on copyright is available here.  

Do you need to discuss a Copyright issue?

Copyright and licensing are notoriously complex, with many pieces of domestic, EU and global legislation interacting with individual licenses and local parameters, in an evolving legal situation.

We can't offer definitive legal advice on copyright but we can give some guidance on topics such as:

  • Making sure you are sharing information in a copyright compliant way
  • Seeking permission from copyright owners
  • Your entitlements under legislation to excerpt for purposes of criticism or review
  • Determining copyright owners
  • General guidance around copyright and licensing

Please contact the Academic Engagement Librarian (Helen Farrell) with your queries.

Uploading a link to Moodle for your students

Watch the short tutorial below on Uploading a link to Moodle for your students

Online material for your students for Moodle upload

Do you normally recommend readings from a print book in MU Library? Use our free "Digital on Demand" service for staff and PG's, where you submit a request and receive a scan of the print material you require. You can share this with your students on Moodle, subject to some restrictions.

Claiming material published in Ireland under copyright law

Under Copyright Law, Maynooth University Library (MU Library) is entitled to receive one copy of any book published in Ireland. If you have noticed a book published in Ireland that you think MU Library should have a copy of in its collection, please notify us and we will claim it for the collection.