Agreement period
IReL is currently in negotiations with the publisher for a new agreement from 2025. We will update this page when a new agreement is finalised.
Agreement details
With the support of IReL, Ireland is part of the Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics (SCOAP3), the world’s largest disciplinary open access (OA) initiative.
Established in 2014, SCOAP3 is a partnership of 3,000 libraries, funding agencies and research organizations from 44 countries and 3 intergovernmental organizations. Since the outset of SCOAP3, over 20,000 scientists from 120 countries have benefited from the opportunity to publish more than 39,000 open access articles free of charge.
Through the collective effort of its members from around the world, and in partnership with publishers of the leading journals in discipline, SCOAP3 has transitioned 90% of the research output in high-energy physics since 2014 to perpetual OA. Hosted at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), SCOAP3 centrally funds OA for articles across 11 journals, enabling free global readership and re-use for high energy physics research, and barrier-free publishing (i.e. without Author Processing Charges, APCs) for authors from across the world.
Further information