Agreement period: IReL is currently in negotiations with the publisher for a new agreement from 2025. We will update this page when a new agreement is finalised..
Eligible authors: This agreement gives current staff and students at Maynooth University access to Optics InfoBase Premium and the ability to make articles accepted for publication in eligible Optica Publishing Group journals open access, without the author paying an article processing charge
OA quota per year: 20 articles
Journals eligible for OA publishing:
Biomedical Optics Express (Open Access), 2155-3165 Online
Applied Optics 2155-3165 Online
Biomedical Optics Express (Open Access), 2156-7085 Online
Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 1520-8532 Online
Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 1520-8540 Online
Optica (Open Access), 2334-2536 Online
Optical Materials Express (Open Access), 2159-3930 Online
Optics Express (Open Access), 1094-4087 Online
Optics Letters, 1539-4794 Online
OPG Continuum (Open Access), 2578-7519 Online
Eligible article types:
Research Articles, Letters, Memoranda, Discussions, Mini-Reviews, Tutorials, Opinions, Negative Results, Reproducibility Studies, Comments, Replies, Engineering & Laboratory Notes
Further information:
Publisher page: