Agreement period
1 Jan 2021 – 31 Dec 2025
Agreement details
This agreement allows current Maynooth University staff and students make their articles accepted for publication in eligible CUP journals open access, without the author paying an article processing charge (APC).
Access to current content from CUP’s subscription journals.
Eligible journals
Almost all CUP hybrid and fully open access journals.
See the list of eligible journals in all IReL open access agreements:
Excluded journals
A small number of journals either do not offer OA or require authors to transfer copyright.
Further information available here: Agreement
Eligible authors
Corresponding authors must be a current staff member or student of Maynooth University at the time an article is accepted for publication. The corresponding author must ensure their correct affiliation details are known to the publisher at this time.
Eligible article types: a research, case report, brief report, review or rapid communications format article.
OA publishing license: choice of a CC-BY, CC-BY-NC-SA, and CC-BY-NC-ND license. May vary per journal.
OA quota per year: unlimited.
Further information