Agreement period
1 January 2024 - 31 December 2026
Agreement details
This agreement allows current staff and students of Maynooth University to make their articles accepted for publication in eligible IEEE journals open access, without the author paying an article processing charge (APC)
Access to current content from IEEE Xplore.
Eligible journals
Eligible authors
The corresponding author must be a current staff member or student of Maynooth University at the time an article is accepted for publication. The corresponding author must ensure their correct affiliation details are known to the publisher at this time.
Eligible article types: all types of articles are included.
OA publishing license: choice of a CC-BY or CC-BY NC-ND license. Authors sign a non-exclusive publishing license with the publisher.
OA quota per year:
Based on modelling in late 2023, IReL project that this allocation will meet demand for all eligible articles during the agreement’s term:
2024: 230 articles
2025: 220 articles
2026: 210 articles
Further information: